A deferral of payment could be exactly what you need to allow your finances some much needed recovery time. If you are owing a large tax debt it is better to act swiftly.
Where SARS is approached correctly, a tax debt can be paid off through a formal payment arrangement known as a deferral, whereby you can either settle your entire tax debt at a later stage, or even pay it in installments over an agreed time period.
As evidenced in recent weeks, SARS has upped its collection power to offset a massive budget deficit with aggressive collection steps including salary garnishes, Sheriff callouts and even taking money directly from business and/or personal accounts.
This is certainly not the time to take risks. SARS’ approach clearly shows you are dealing with a competent revenue authority, so why risk it when you can defer it!
Our multidisciplinary team of tax attorneys and chartered accountants have a proven track record of negotiating with SARS and have assisted many companies to successfully apply for a deferred payment arrangement. We guarantee legal professional privilege on your matter and follow a strict legal and compliant approach with solution-based thinking.