Scams and Phishing Attacks

Members of the public are randomly emailed with false emails made to look as if these emails were sent from SARS, but are in fact fraudulent emails aimed at enticing unsuspecting taxpayers to part with personal information such as bank account details. Examples include emails that appear to be from or indicating that tax payers are eligible to receive TAX refunds.

These emails contain links to false forms and false websites made to look like the “real thing”, but with the aim of fooling people into entering personal information such as bank account details which the criminals then extract and use fraudulently.

Please note these are scams and SARS taxpayers should take note of the following:

  • Do not open or respond to emails from unknown sources.
  • Beware of emails that ask for personal, tax, banking and eFiling details (login credentials, passwords, pins, credit / debit card information, etc.) as SARS will never ask taxpayers for such information in an email.
  • SARS will not request your banking details through the phone, email or websites.
  • Beware of false sms’s.

More samples:

Institution Specific Scams: Absa | Capitec | FNB | Nedbank | Standard Bank

Topic Specific Scams: Audit | Personal and Banking Details | Refunds | Payments

Source Specific Scams: Email | Letter/Fax | Phone Call | SMS | Website

 Example of Latest Scams:

Guide on the Determination of Medical Tax Credits (Issue 7)

The guide provides general guidelines to determine the medical fees tax credit and additional medical aid tax credit for income tax purposes. The guide includes the relevant definitions and formulas as well as detailed examples for purposes of the medical fees tax credit and additional medical aid tax credit calculation.

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BPR 242: Venture Capital Company Investment in Qualifying Companies

  • This ruling determines –
    • Whether or not the investee is a “controlled group company” and that the shares purchased by the Applicant and Co-Investor is “equity shares”; and
    • The meaning of “hotel keeper” and the allowances that a hotel keeper may claim.
  • The Applicant and Co-Investor intends to invest in qualifying companies that will carry on the business of hotel keepers. They will each appoint a company (manager) to operate and manage their respective hotels. The manager will guarantee certain profit targets per annum.
  • The Applicant intends to exit this investment on or before the 5th year of the investment. The Co-Applicants will sell their respective hotels and distribute the proceeds to their shareholders.
  • The ruling held that each share of the Co-Applicants will constitute an “equity share” and therefore a “qualifying share” and that neither of the Co-Applicants will constitute a “controlled group company” for so long as they do not hold more than 70% of the total equity shares, irrespective of the fact that the Applicant may invest more than 70% of the aggregate share capital in each of the Co-Applicants in monetary terms.
  • The Applicant and Co-Investor can then get a deduction for the funds invested in the Co-Applicants in terms of the venture capital company regime.

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D v Commissioner, SARS (VAT 1390):

“Whether the delivery of food orders to the taxpayer’s customers constitute a service supplied by it for consideration in the course, or furtherance, of its enterprise (and therefore whether same is within ambit of Value Added Tax Act, No. 89 of 1991). If so,  whether VAT falls to be paid on taxpayer’s delivery charges or whether same should be borne by taxpayer’s deliverers/ drivers (independent contractors).”

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Taxation Laws Amendment Bill & Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill Update

The 2016 draft taxation laws amendment bill and draft tax administration laws amendment bill has been published for public comment. Comments are due by 8 August 2016.

2016 Draft Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill

The draft Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill, 2016, is hereby published for comment. The draft legislation gives effect to matters presented by the Minister of Finance in the Budget Review 2016, as tabled in Parliament earlier this year.

Members of the public are invited to submit comments on the draft legislation by no later than 8 August 2016 to:

Adele Collins at

Click here to download the bill.

2016 Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill

Click here to download the bill.

BPR239: Cash Contributions made to a Special Purpose Vehicle Established to Provide Housing to Mine Workers

This ruling determines the income tax consequences resulting from cash contributions to be made by the applicant to a special purpose vehicle (separate property company) established to provide housing for the employees of the joint venture and the group of companies of which the Applicant forms part. The separate property company (SPV) will obtain funding and provide housing to mine workers, in order for the company to apply for a renewal of its mining rights.

Upon completion of the housing projects undertaken by separate property company, all surplus cash and profits shall be applied to programmes that have as its object the improvement of the social conditions of the communities in or around the area in which the Applicant carries on its business.

Click on the button below to view and download the SARS Binding Private Ruling: BPR 239 Document:

[button url=”” target=”” size=”small” style=”black” icon=”” popup=”” title=””]BINDING PRIVATE RULING: BPR 239[/button]

BPR 237: Reinstatement of a Deregistered Company to Transfer Immovable Properties

This Binding Private Ruling deals with the reinstatement of a deregistered company in order to complete a transfer of immovable properties, pursuant to an amalgamation transaction. It concerns section 44(13) of the Income Tax Act, section 8(25) of the VAT Act, and section 9(1)(l)(iB) of Transfer Duty Act.

Click on the button below to view and download the SARS Binding Private Ruling: BPR 237 Document:

[button url=”” target=”” size=”small” style=”black” icon=”” popup=”” title=””]BINDING PRIVATE RULING: BPR 237[/button]

Charging VAT on Supplies Made by Another?

The recent case of D v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (VAT 1390), which is an appeal referred by the taxpayer to the Western Cape Tax Court after being dissatisfied with the decision by the Tax Board, reconfirms that supplies made by an independent contractor to the taxpayer and recovered from customers by the taxpayer is subject to VAT in the hands of the taxpayer.

The facts of the case are briefly that a taxpayer had engaged the services of certain drivers to collect and deliver goods to customers . The taxpayer would invoice the customer a VAT inclusive charge and would plainly list the amount payable to the driver on the invoice excluding VAT.  The customers would settle the full invoice amount and the taxpayer would in turn pay over the disbursement charge to the relevant driver.

The Tax Court held that the taxpayer is liable for the VAT on the disbursement as representing consideration received by the taxpayer for rendering services by the taxpayer to its customer. The fact that the drivers were independent contractors and the fact that the amounts were required to be paid over to the drivers were held by the court to be irrelevant.

Taxpayers who are required to pay amounts invoiced by them over to third parties should take care to ensure VAT is correctly accounted for and it is recommended that professional advice be sought in this regard. Failure to correctly account for VAT gives rise to penalties, interest and possible criminal prosecution.

Tax Dispute Resolution Process: Current status

The tax dispute resolution process, contained in the Tax Administration Act, No. 28 of 2011 as well as the rules promulgated under section 103 of that act was designed to ensure efficient and simple resolution of tax disputes. Of late, however, our experience has been quite the opposite.

It is evident that the current economic climate has taken its toll on the tax dispute resolution process within SARS as well. SARS are, no doubt, inundated with objections, requests for reasons and appeals from taxpayers trying to save where they can and unfortunately, based on the responses being received from SARS over the last few months in relation to tax disputes,  the wheels appear to be coming off!

Objections are being declared invalid for invalid reasons, disallowed on incorrect reasons, and sometimes just figuring out what SARS is trying say in response to an objection can be challenging with the response being, plainly, an incoherent blabber, that is if a response is received at all.   Similarly, concerns raised from the tax industry with the introduction of the alternative dispute resolution process on appeal also now seems to be coming to a head with either no facilitation taking place at alternative dispute resolution hearings or failure by SARS to try and amicably resolve the dispute to close the matter.

While SARS should indeed be commended for the massive strides forward on the tax dispute resolution process to date, the current status, in our experience, does not compliment their hard work in the past.

In the current, unfortunate status of the process, taxpayers and tax practitioners may feel powerless and frustrated resulting in disputes being abandoned or otherwise not being resolved.  Having a competent team of professional tax dispute resolution experts is now more important than ever to ensure disputes are resolved fairly, efficiently and within reasonable amount of time.

SARS Ignoring Dispute Time Periods?

Aggrieved taxpayers are provided with a legislative mechanism in order to resolve disputes with SARS, the latest version of which came into effect on 11 July 2014 and was promulgated in terms of section 103 of the Tax Administration Act, No.28 of 2011. These legislative mechanisms are commonly referred to as “the tax dispute resolution Rules” and they were put in place in an effort to align with international trends which seek timeous and fair resolution of tax disagreements with the fiscus.

The tax dispute resolution rules prescribe various time periods to which both taxpayers and SARS must adhere in order for a dispute to be finalised efficiently and fairly. An example of such a time period is contained in Rule 7(1) of the tax dispute resolution rules, which provides that taxpayers are afforded 30 business days (from date of assessment/ reasons for an assessment by SARS) within which to lodge an objection to such an assessment. Where a taxpayer does not comply with this time period the dispute may not progress or may never be resolved.

A further example is contained in Rule 9 of the tax dispute resolution rules which places a specific obligation on SARS with regard to when SARS should make a decision on objection. Such a decision must be made within 60 business days of the delivery of an objection by a taxpayer. However, taxpayers are increasingly placed in a position where SARS do not adhere to this time period with seemingly no consequence for SARS.

While it can be appreciated that SARS receives thousands of objection on regular basis, it is also not administratively fair towards taxpayers to plainly accept non-compliance with the tax dispute resolution rules. So, what can you do about it?

Where the time periods provided for in the Rules are not be complied with by SARS, an aggrieved taxpayer may address the issue with the relevant SARS branch and/or SARS’ call centre and where not resolved, the issue will have to be reported to SARS’ Complaints Management Office (CMO), which has replaced the SSMO office within SARS. Should the CMO not be able to resolve the matter, the taxpayer may, only after a taxpayer has exhausted SARS’ internal administrative complaints resolution process (unless a taxpayer is able to demonstrate that there are compelling circumstances as to why the Tax Ombud may be approached directly), approach the Tax Ombud for further assistance.

Approaching the CMO and/or Tax Ombud, whilst mostly effective to get administrative issues resolved, can be extremely time consuming and where, for example, an objection should have been finalised already, going through all these channels just to get timeous feedback on an objection is counterproductive.

While litigation should always be a last resort, it is unfortunately sometimes the fastest way in getting non-compliance with the rules resolved and in the case of non-compliance by SARS with the tax dispute resolution rules, applying for default judgment is a sure fire way to get SARS’ immediate attention.

Tax litigation is however complex and full of technical and procedural landmines which can trigger disastrous results for your case if stepped on. It is therefore recommended that a competent team specialising in tax dispute resolution be consulted for assistance in calling SARS to action om missed deadlines.